Welcome to Between the Pines

I’ve found that our faith journey is a lot like a hike. Each season of life is its own trail. Some are rocky, some are simple gravel paths with plenty of shade, and some are winding and overgrown leaving us to wonder if we’re still going the right way. But regardless of what season of life we are in, we still keep going—our hiking boots tied tight and our backpacks prepared for whatever we may encounter.

We continue the journey between the pines, fully present, ever-curious, and longing to find God in our midst. And we all need perspective, encouragement, words of wisdom, and community to guide us as we go.

Now, I don’t live in a forest, sipping coffee from my log cabin porch. I don’t even know where the closest true pine trees even are to Fort Worth, Texas. But the imagery of living between the pines has captured me since I first heard the John Muir quote:

Between every two pines there is a doorway to a new world.

And it’s true. As we continue on throughout our lives, we are given new opportunities from God. We experience new beauty and goodness, but we also experience hardship and trials. No path is ever going to be simple or easy, but it will be worth it to walk it. Every season has lessons we must learn and goodness for us to behold. With every step, may we be open to all that God has for us, as the doorway to a new world is opened with each one.

What to Expect

Between the Pines is a place for my musings and reflections on faith and life as I venture between the pines on my faith journey. Regardless of where you find yourself, may this space be one where you can take a deep breath of fresh air and be both challenged and encouraged as you venture between your own pines. I want my words to give you encouragement but also challenge you to look for ways God is moving within your own forest.

Every month, I will post 2-3 essays, most of which will be reflections, thoughts, and random things God has inspired me with. If you’re looking for practical application practices, you can find that over on my blog, but this space will be more open-ended, thought-provoking, and honest to my heart state.

Join the Community of Hikers and Journey-Goers

On Substack, it’s easier than ever to like, comment, and share. This community is one made up of so many people in various stages of life. There is much that we can learn from one another as we venture through life together.

One of the best ways to support my space here is to subscribe and comment on these posts so we can have engaging conversations about our faith journeys. I want for this space to be one where we can talk openly about how we are finding God between the pines in our own lives.

Join in the conversation today about finding God in the present moment as you go on your journey.

A Little About Me

I’m Lauren Carrizal—wife, toddler mom, writer, blogger, chronic over-thinker, and dreamer of big dreams. I live in Fort Worth, TX, but I’m originally from the midwest.

Professionally, I’ve worked in higher education and ministry, both of which have shaped me into the person I am today. I long to have deeper conversations with others about faith, the nuances of life, and the human experience.

I’m an enneagram 1 with a strong 2 wing who loves to create order out of chaos and make sense of this world we live in. I enjoy learning and finding the answers to my questions. I’m still learning to be okay with uncertainty, unknowns, and not yets.

I write bi-weekly on my blog, Walking in the Wilderness, where I write about embracing the season we’re in, facing trials head-on, and gaining a more well-rounded perspective about the challenges we face in this life. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook.

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words on learning to live more fully as I venture between the pines of my faith journey


I'm a writer who seeks to find God within trials, embrace every season, and grow spiritually. I'm here to encourage you to do the same.